Sponsorship Opportunities

Established in 2006, the College of Business and Economics is now home to 4000 business students, with 740 of those students registered in the Accounting major, and 175 registered in the Accounting Co-op Program. 

The ASA serves as a primary liaison between students, faculty, and employers. We work to bring students and employers together through exciting events including Networking Night, Crack the Case and our Dodgeball Classic. Additionally, we are committed to providing students with the opportunity for personal and professional development through social events and monthly initiatives that encourage cohesiveness and professionalism.

With the partnership of our sponsors 2020-2021, our organization strives to reach a more broad student audience, while helping promote firms and organizations both on campus and online. We are confident that being involved with our organization will not only aid to enhance the student experience at Guelph, but will also expose employers to a large number of promising future accounting and business professionals. 

For more information, please see the information below or feel free to download the 2020-2021 ASA Sponsorship Package. 


Sponsorship Opportunities

Accounting Recruitment Event

Cost of event to be determined as per the effects of CO-VID 19 and the logistics of event planning. If you are interested, please let us know and we can provide you with further information on structure and estimates of costs.

Art of Applications

Cost: FREE



Obtain a private room in our online networking portion of the event, allowing private and memorable connections with students to be made


Reserve a spot for your representative to view and judge student presentations.


Receive emails and/or resumes from all participants.


This package reserves 4 spots to critique the final presentations of the event, along with a private networking event and student information.